How do you deal with manifesting from a place of apathy? In my case I have a business that really did well for a while. But last year my sales suddenly plummeted and I felt really helpless and didn’t know what to do and as time went on I withdrew more and more. Now I do feel ready to put out some new work, but I also still want my current business to thrive. But there still feels to be some sort of disconnect because I don’t feel the passion to go in Post and do a lot of things like I was before. So I’m trying to figure out if this is a block or if I really do feel like I don’t want my business anymore.

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It's a bit of a chicken or the egg situation. Are you in a state of apathy because the financial reward was what made you passionate about your business to begin with, or are you in a state of apathy because you're passionate about your business but the lack of a financial reward is disheartening? Obviously you know this, as it's the question you're asking, just slightly rephrased. I don't know if I have any concrete practical advice other than to say that, on some level, you know the answer, so just keep investigating. Maybe dive into a little passion project related to the business but that you won't have to rely on to be profitable -- see if that reignites the spark for you.

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