If you scroll through the comments of any manifestation subreddit or blog, it won't be long before you find some iteration of the following questions: "Can I use what you're saying to manifest x,y,z?... How would I use your advice to manifest x,y,z?... I've been struggling with x,y,z, will this be able to help me?"
Neville Goddard’s teachings -- as well as ideas about manifestation in general -- can be an incredible culture shock. If you're new to this stuff, it probably seems too good to be true. And even if you have an intuition that it is true, your brain is likely working overtime to make sense of everything you read.
So I'd like to take a moment and discuss how you can build a successful manifestation process, even if you're a total beginner.
First and foremost: Yes, whatever it is you want or are trying to get, these teachings will apply to.
"Can I use..." Yes. "Will this work for..." Yes. "If I am trying to..." Yes. It'll work. It works for everything. But my telling you it'll work won't convince you. Neither will reading other people's success stories.
Manifestation is different than all the other traditional academic disciplines. You can't approach your study of it the same way you'd approach the study of some other subject. Why? Becauseyou are the subject being studied. Self-investigation is at the core of these teachings.
Nobody can tell you the nature of your own experience. Not me, not Neville, not anyone else. Because it's your experience -- we aren't the ones living it, you are. We can offer up ideas or help to direct your thinking, but that's all.
And that's where a lot of early struggles arise. Imagine that I was to tell you, "When you look out at the world, there's a layer of swirling colors overlayed on top of everything that you see." Would you blindly trust me? I hope you wouldn't. Because you don't need to. That's a testable statement. You can step back and look at your own experience to ask "Is there really a layer of swirling colors on top of everything that I see? No, there isn't."
But for all intents and purposes, this is what a lot of us do. Neville offers some teaching and we follow it blindly, despite the fact that it's meant to be totally testable. We never turn around and analyze the nature of our own experience. We just accept what we're told and then feel badly if our experience doesn't reflect what we're told back to us.
So that's your first step to successful manifestation. Stop trusting blindly. When people are struck by insight regarding matters of manifestation, it's never because they're learning some totally new piece of information. It's because they're encountering an explanation that affirms their own experiences. You read an insightful teaching and you go, "Yes, that makes sense. That's exactly my experience."
With this first rule in mind, here's exactly how you build a successful manifestation practice.
Be relentless in connecting the dots between your past internal states and the experiences you've encountered in your life. Nothing that happens to you is random. You don't have to learn how to use manifestation effectively, as manifestation has already been working effectively your entire life. You have to go back and see how it's been working effectively in the past -- you have to see how your mind has been creating your reality.
Once you see clearly how you've created your own reality in the past, you have to focus on the root causes of your problems. What is the state that's led to your experiencing this thing you don't like? What feeling or belief is the issue that needs to be addressed?
Start addressing those root cause issues by releasing (the process I've detailed in many previous posts).
After you've released your negative beliefs/feelings, replace them by entering into the state of your desire fulfilled and living there permanently.
That's all you have to do. You should never feel like you're acting based on ideas that don't make sense to you.
If you aren't sure if manifestation will work for your issue, then 100 times out of 100 the problem is that you haven't done your due diligence in seeing clearly how your mind created your issue in the first place. You're trusting blindly in the process when you don't have to. You can go back and connect the dots to prove these teachings to yourself.
At the end of the day, your manifestation process needs to make sense to you. Nobody could convince me manifestation isn't a real thing because I have seen so clearly in my own experience the fact that it is. I don't have to take Neville's or anyone else's word for it. I know it to be a truth of my own experience.
And you can too. But you have to be the one to see how the teachings apply to your own experience. Neville can't do that part for you.
As always, good luck.
How do you deal with manifesting from a place of apathy? In my case I have a business that really did well for a while. But last year my sales suddenly plummeted and I felt really helpless and didn’t know what to do and as time went on I withdrew more and more. Now I do feel ready to put out some new work, but I also still want my current business to thrive. But there still feels to be some sort of disconnect because I don’t feel the passion to go in Post and do a lot of things like I was before. So I’m trying to figure out if this is a block or if I really do feel like I don’t want my business anymore.