I’ve been thinking about this also but from a different perspective. In meditation we can reach a state called jhana where the mind is overcharged with bliss.
The way to get to jhana is to create a spark of bliss no matter how small, and to keep concentrating on it and feeding it. Pretty soon with practice, that small spark of bliss becomes all engulfing and you can’t feel anything else but bliss.
My point is that the mind is a very efficient positive feedback loop system. Whatever you feed it, it will multiply the same over and over.
My theory is this is why people have a hard time quitting bad habits, addiction, and toxic relationships.
But the good news is that if you keep feeding it good things, it will also keep multiplying the same over and over until all you experience is good.
This is harder to do than the bad things because it takes conscious effort to ignore bad things and replace them in the mind with good. Whereas getting caught up into bad things is easy since bad things are everywhere.
I’ve been thinking about this also but from a different perspective. In meditation we can reach a state called jhana where the mind is overcharged with bliss.
The way to get to jhana is to create a spark of bliss no matter how small, and to keep concentrating on it and feeding it. Pretty soon with practice, that small spark of bliss becomes all engulfing and you can’t feel anything else but bliss.
My point is that the mind is a very efficient positive feedback loop system. Whatever you feed it, it will multiply the same over and over.
My theory is this is why people have a hard time quitting bad habits, addiction, and toxic relationships.
But the good news is that if you keep feeding it good things, it will also keep multiplying the same over and over until all you experience is good.
This is harder to do than the bad things because it takes conscious effort to ignore bad things and replace them in the mind with good. Whereas getting caught up into bad things is easy since bad things are everywhere.
Loved this. Your posts have helped me so much!