When A Desire Arises, It's Already In The Process Of Manifesting
Most manifestation techniques (at least as they're typically taught) have a fatal flaw. They start us off from a position of saying, "There is something I want, and now I must employ a technique or strategy to get it." We're led to believe that the natural tides of the world are at best indifferent to, and, at worst moving against, the flow of our desires.
One question nobody ever asks, though, is where do our desires come from. We take for granted the things that we want. We justify and rationalize our dreams. I want a speed boat because my life is boring and that would make it fun. I want a girlfriend because I'm lonely and that would make me happy. The world doesn't naturally provide me these things, so I have to employ a technique to acquire them.
Is this really the case? Do we have to work to get the things we desire?
Most of us probably woke up this morning and at some point decided to eat something. We were hungry (we desired food) and made the decision to make, order, or go get something to satisfy our desire. It didn't require "effort" for you to get something to eat, in the sense that you likely didn't have to think long and hard about how it'd be possible to satisfy your hunger. You just felt hungry, thought, "I want to eat something," and then you went and ate. There's not much to the satisfaction of a simple desire like this -- and there's a reason for that.
Desire and the fulfillment of desire are flip sides of the same coin. They're dependent on each other for their existence.
You can't fulfill a desire without first having a desire that longs to be fulfilled. Similarly, a desire couldn't arise in the first place unless there was a fulfilled state that the desire exists in reference to. This might seem redundant to point out, but it's actually incredibly noteworthy.
Because you can't tease apart your desires and the fulfillment of those desires, this must mean that the arising of a desire is a necessary part of the manifestation of a desire being fulfilled.
Your desires are not your enemies. There isn't any distance between a desire and the fulfillment of a desire; and, because there's no distance, there's nothing you need to overcome.
You woke up today and you ate. It's easy to look back and say a desire for food arose, you took some action, and that action led to the desire being fulfilled. Desire -----> Action -----> Fulfillment. But who's to say that the progression had to move in that direction? Your hunger and the potential satisfaction of your hunger depend on each other for their existence. The "action" you take is just what connects them linearly in time.
When a desire arises, the manifestation of that desire being fulfilled has already begun. No desire arises in a vacuum; There's a fulfillment Yin to the Yang of every desire.
If you struggle to manifest the things that you want, it very well be because you have a negative relationship with your desires in the first place. You don't see the fact that the things you want are part and parcel with the fulfillment of those wants. And because you've lost sight of the connection, you feel as if you need to work to build it. All your effort is spent trying to link your desires to their fulfillment. But you don't need to create that link. The link already exists.
Anything you want you're meant to experience. Desires arise concomitantly with their own fulfillment. When viewed through the lens of time, it appears that a process needs to take place -- that action needs to be taken to get from point A to point B. And "action" will take place. Events will occur that lead you from your desire to the fulfillment of that desire. But, these actions don't need to be stressed or obsessed over. The link already exists, and the world will handle how that link plays out in experience. But this a natural and necessary part of experiencing.
Whatever it is that you want, you're meant to experience. Your desire arose because somewhere "in the future" the fulfillment of that desire arose too. And, when you see this, you won't feel compelled to intervene in the world. You'll just let things fall into place because you know that all you can do is get in the way of the natural manifestation process that's already begun to occur.
That's what most people are doing all the time. They're viewing their desires as enemies, and as a result, they're getting in the way of the manifestation process. But you don't have to do that anymore. You can let things flow as they're meant to flow, and everything you desire will find its fulfillment effortlessly.
As always, good luck.