The 100th Monkey Method
A New, Gamechanging Tool For Manifesting Major Wealth And Other "Big" Goals
In the early 1950s, while studying populations of monkeys that inhabited neighboring but unconnected islands, researchers noticed something peculiar. On one of the islands, a young female monkey suddenly discovered that she could use water from a nearby stream to wash excess dirt off of sweet potatoes before eating them. Over the next 18 months, she slowly taught other monkeys on her island how to wash their potatoes, and the number of monkeys doing so increased. This, of course, is to be expected; learned behaviors will spread through a population so long as members of that population are willing to teach their new skills to others.
Here’s what wasn’t expected, though: When a certain number of monkeys on the original island had learned to wash their potatoes, suddenly (and seemingly with no explanation), the entire population of monkeys acquired this new skill.
Including monkeys on neighboring islands who were not directly taught it.
This came to be known as “The 100th Monkey Effect.” It suggests that at a certain point of criticality (when the 100th monkey learns the new skill), behaviors will immediately spread population-wide.
There have been plenty of criticisms made of this observation over the years. People will argue from sun up to sun down over what the logical explanation for the 100th monkey phenomenon is. But, any potential explanations aside, this effect does bring to light something we know with 100% certainty to be true:
The status quo is incredibly stable and unchangeable — until someone disrupts it, at which point it disintegrates almost immediately. Maybe that’s because people learn new behaviors from others, maybe it’s because of some unknown psychic phenomenon that many proponents of the 100th Monkey Effect suggest, or maybe it’s because of some other reason nobody has hypothesized yet. But, in any case, things are the way that they are, and everyone agrees that they’re that way — then one single person decides things can be different, and suddenly everyone realizes that person is right.
It may not be obvious to you yet (it should be by the end of this post, though), but knowing this fact can change your ability to manifest “big” goals almost instantaneously. So, if you’ve been struggling to create major changes in your life, the 100th Monkey Method of Manifestation might be the one that finally makes things click for you.