Hey there — It appears you’ve found your way to my Substack (a happening I’m ecstatic about). Enter your email in the box below to become a free subscriber. If you have a moment, allow me to give you a virtual lay of the land and answer some questions you might have.
Who Are You?
I’m A.C. I’m a regular guy who has spent the past two decades feverishly studying all things spirituality, manifestation, and conscious creation. Along the way, I found within myself lasting peace and happiness — and (to boot) I learned how to manifest all the things I ever desired. Now I teach other people the things I’ve discovered on my journey. Before getting into the spiritual stuff I’d already spent many years writing professionally, which (I hope) helps me communicate complex metaphysical ideas with relative clarity.
What Do You Discuss On This Substack?
Spirituality. I’m aware this is about as broad as it gets, but we really do hit spirituality from all different angles. The ideas I’m interested in have their roots in Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christian Mysticism, Jewish Mysticism, Islamic Mysticism, New Age Spiritual Mysticism — basically, I share a lot of ideas that can be traced back to spiritual disciplines ending in “ism” (and a bunch that end in other letters, too).
If I had to boil down the basic ideological thrust of the essays I write in a single sentence, I’d say this:
What we all refer to as “I” (our Self) is consciousness/awareness/beingness and consciousness/awareness/beingness is the fundamental reality of everything that has been, is, or could ever be experienced — thus, by learning to let go of false identifications (by way of letting go of the negative thoughts and feelings with which we identify ourselves) and learning to reidentify with our true Self, pure consciousness, we gain the ability to exercise influence over what arises in our experience and to enjoy meaning, peace, and happiness at all times.
Yes, that’s a single sentence — I never said it’d be concise (or that I wouldn’t take some minor liberties with my use of punctuation). All jokes aside, that is sort of how I’d describe this blog, but it’s also such a distillation of ideas that it’s sort of nonsensical.
So I’ll finish by offering a much clearer (but inevitably more vague) description of my Substack:
I discuss a lot of spiritual topics, most of which relate back to non-dual philosophy, and many of which cover ideas pertaining to conscious creation/manifestation.
Is There Any Information That I Need To Know In Advance To Make Sense Of All This?
Eh. Maybe. Not really.
If you’re pretty well-versed in different spiritual philosophies, things will make a little more sense at first. The same goes for if you’re familiar with the work of New Age teachers like Neville Goddard, Eckhart Tolle, Joseph Murphy, Rhonda Byrne, etc. — having a background in those people’s ideas will probably be helpful.
But if you’re totally new to all this stuff, that’s fine too. In a lot of ways, you’re probably better off that way. Things might be confusing at first, but if you read through all the posts everything should make sense pretty quickly. That’s not to say you’ll be without questions, but you won’t be lost mentally. You’ll get what I’m talking about in a general sense, even if you’re still piecing together specifics. The spiritual journey is, in essence, that process of piecing together the specifics — which is exactly what I’m here to help you do.
If I’m New To All This, Where Should I Start?
Here: How To Release and Here: Manifestation Basics
Releasing is a process I talk a lot about, so it’s best to familiarize yourself with it. Manifestation Basics was the first series I ever wrote — it’s 11 parts, and takes you through all the fundamental ideas of manifesting.
Other than that, check out whatever catches your attention. There is new content going up all the time, too, as I originally posted all my essays on Reddit and am currently in the process of moving my entire catalog over here.
What’s The Difference Between The Free And Paid Subscriptions?
The paid subscription gets community access, the ability to comment on posts, step-by-step instructionals, and occasional exclusive posts. If you’re really into spirituality, want to ask specific questions, like the simplicity of step-by-step guides, and/or just have $5 a month to spare, you might enjoy upgrading.
That said, I never hide any proprietary information behind the paywall. Meaning, I won’t bait you into paying up by making the free essays a bunch of useless crap or by only sharing some magical, top-secret knowledge with the paid subscribers.
All the essential information is (and will remain) free. The paid content has a ton of value — hence its costing money — but is meant to be supplementary and to give people the ability to engage more directly with me (which is just an organizational necessity given how many questions I’m asked on a daily basis).
Anything Else?
As always, good luck.