(Note: An audio version of this essay is available at the bottom of this post)
Spiritually speaking, sex is fascinating — and it’s more complex than one might realize. In its highest form, it’s a point of intersection between the emotional, mental, and physical “realms.” At this intersectional point, the sense of separation can begin to dissolve.
And that makes complete sense. It’s no surprise that a metaphorical merging of mind/spirit would manifest as a sort of physical merging of bodies.
Again, though, this is in the “highest form.” And, as with many things, sex is a high-risk, high-reward activity. While it can take on that proverbial “higher form,” more often than not, it doesn't. And when it doesn’t, it can become an incredibly destructive force in people’s lives.
This isn’t some lesson on sexual purity or an attempt to make you afraid of sex. Putting all flowery language aside, we can state the issue with sex quite plainly. And it’s as follows:
People have a natural aversion to their feelings of being a “separate self” or separate entity; they long for reunification with the true, undivided Self. And as a result of this, they’re motivated by things that stand to symbolically erode their sense of separation. Thus, they are motivated to pursue sex.
This is not inherently problematic. It becomes problematic, though, when one obsesses over the symbolic representation rather than what the symbol represents. Meaning, when one doesn’t realize (or has forgotten) their true desire is for spiritual unification, they stop pursuing that spiritual unification directly. But, as I’m fond of saying, the map is not the territory. Sex is a metaphorical stand-in for unification, not a replacement for it.
All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. Sex has the potential to be a beautiful representation of one’s sense of self eroding as they merge with another physically, mentally, and emotionally, but sex is not guaranteed to elicit these feelings in every case.
What’s the end result of this? People want to have sex. They don’t know why they want to have it, and they don’t understand why it doesn’t bring them the sense of fulfillment they feel it should, but nevertheless, they are incredibly motivated by the idea of it. When this happens, the pursuit of sex ceases to be a pursuit of spiritual unification and instead becomes an exercise in ego-building and personal gratification. The thing that is supposed to be a physical representation of spiritual transcendence becomes a prison that reinforces one’s feeling of being separate from all others.
If you can solve the “problem” of this kind of blind sexual pursuit, you can make a great deal of spiritual progress fast. And this spiritual progress can really help your manifestations move along more quickly. So, let’s get into it.