If we start from the premise that any experience in the world is a reflection of our own state of consciousness, it can be confusing when we encounter situations that are in direct conflict with the states we're trying to hold, or think we're holding.
As this series has progressed, we've talked a lot about uncovering and facing the repressed feelings or beliefs that exist deep within our subconscious (or as I prefer to state it, that exist at a sub-thought level that is nevertheless "conscious," even if it isn't in our "thinking mind"). Many people struggle to root out these negative sub-thought beliefs because they aren't sure where to go looking for them. I mean, if something is sub-thought, how could I ever address it? If I knew what feeling or belief I needed to call up into my thinking mind, then it wouldn't be sub-thought now would it?
This might not be the case for you. Often times, our negative sub-thought knowings are -- on some level at least -- obvious to us. At one point in the past these feelings were in our conscious minds, and we made an active decision to bury or repress them. We swept our monster under the bed, so to speak.
But I digress. Whether the feelings/beliefs holding you back are obvious or not, they are still holding you back and thus need to be addressed -- and we need to devise a method of addressing them efficiently.
What I advise is to always ask the question, "why am I doing this to myself?"
Don't ask it in a self-defeating way -- "boo hoo, why am I cursing myself!" Ask it legitimately. Go looking for a genuine answer.
Here's an example. Say I'm broke and want to manifest money. I do my SATS, I do my visualizations, and as far as I'm aware, I address my limiting beliefs and try to let go of them. But still, money isn't coming in. Unexpected bills are piling up, and I'm actually worse off financially than I was before I found out about Neville and manifestation.
In that situation, I should ask "why am I draining myself of money?" Even further, if being without money makes me feel insecure (not in the colloquial sense, but quite literally not secure financially), bound, and at risk then I should ask myself, "why am I binding myself financially? Why am I putting myself at risk of losing the things that I care about? Why am I keeping myself from security?"
Here's another example: Say I want to manifest a relationship with a person I really like. Despite all my efforts, I find out that they just got into a relationship with someone I know and hate. I feel small, unworthy, and like things just never work out for me. I should ask "why am I denying myself love and connection? Why am I denying myself the ease of things working out easily?"
When you follow this line of questioning, you'll often stumble upon deep-seated negative beliefs that you never even realized were there. I might be denying myself love because I feel I don't deserve love, or am not the kind of person who love exists for. I might be denying myself money because I believe money is hard to come by, and that I don't work hard enough, therefore I don't deserve money.
It'll be different in every case. But the core idea behind this way of thinking is that it can be helpful to take active ownership of the manifestations we don't like and don't want, as opposed to taking the passive stance that there is some broken gear deep within the machine of our consciousness that is somehow preventing our efforts from being successful.
Anything you experience, on some level, you "want" to experience. Maybe "want" isn't even the right word. Anything you experience, on some level, you feel you need/deserve to experience. I might want love on a conscious level, but on a deeper level I might feel broken and unlovable -- so really, I "want" to keep the people I'm attracted to far, far away from me so as to not risk them seeing me for what I really am.
Unwanted manifestations tend to arise as kinds of metaphysical defense mechanisms. The person who feels as if they're undeserving of comfort and abundance (whatever the reason may be) may "want" money consciously, but feel someone like themself doesn't deserve money on a deeper level -- so from a deeper perspective what they "want" is to punish themself for being what they believe to be is a lazy idiot who'd just blow their money anyway if they ever got a bunch of it.
Always be taking active ownership of your manifestations. That'll lead you to uncovering the deep negative beliefs that are holding you back.
As always, good luck!