Dating back all through recorded history, we’ve heard stories of demons, djinns, and other possessing entities that wrestle control of some victim's psyche and use their new host’s body as a means of wreaking havoc on the world.
I think there are a lot of problems with how “demonic possession” is discussed in common cultural terms; we’ve really created a boogeyman that is to be feared in the concept of possession. So, let me be the first to tell you that “possession” (as you probably think of it when you first hear the term) does not exist, and you don’t have to be afraid of it.
But, with that said, I think we can use the language of possession as a framework for understanding how best to cultivate positive energies within ourselves and how to deal with unpleasant energies sent our way by others. So, in today’s essay, we’re going to learn how to overcome (emphasis on the quotations) “demonic possession,” both in ourselves and in other people.